It will not come to a surprise, the 13th annual International Symposium on Catheter Ablation Techniques (ISCAT) will be held virtually, October 12-16, 2020.

We would have preferred to welcome you in Paris, and we made that decision at the latest possible moment, expecting an improvement which did not come.

We have adjusted the program to make it successful and purely virtual. Accordingly, sessions are now spread over the week, in the end afternoon window, to make it easier for everyone.

Over the last years, the fi eld of Electrophysiology and Catheter Ablation has rapidly evolved, experiencing profound changes in indications, techniques and technologies. ISCAT aims to give an overview of the field of catheter ablation providing access to the best scientific knowledge.

The entire meeting will be dedicated to catheter ablation of Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Arrythmias. Technical and clinical aspects of current methods for ablation of Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Arrhythmias
will be discussed with internationally renowned leaders in the field as each session will be followed by panel discussion.

Importantly, the very popular sessions dedicated to the laboratory technicians will be reinforced. Rhythmology and Cardiac Pacing Group and EHRA will contribute significantly to our program.

We do hope that you have enjoyed the previous Editions.

Help us making this virtual ISCAT a success!

Étienne ALIOT - Michel HAÏSSAGUERRE - Pierre JAÏS - Mélèze HOCINI - Christian de CHILLOU - Serge BOVEDA - Laurent FAUCHIER


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