Wednesday, April 10, 2019: Opening of the abstract submission.
June 24, 2019: End of the abstract submission.
July 2019: Notification of the abstract status.

I. General information

1) Applicants should complete the online abstract registration form by June 10, 2019, at midnight.
Your email address has to be valid.
Abstracts sent by fax, by email or by mail or summaries receipted after the deadline submission will not be considered.

2) Authors can submit several abstracts.

3) Only abstracts based on valid studies’ results will be selected.

4) Your abstract should not exceed 400 words. All abstracts must be submitted in English.

The summary must be structured as below:
a. Introduction (Aim)
b. Materials and Methods
c. Results
d. Conclusions

5) Table and figure: A table or figure is considered as 80 words. Thus, if you enclose a table/figure, your summary mustn’t exceed 320 words.

6) Review process: summaries will be assessed anonymously by the Abstract Committee according to the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Coherence between the method and the results
  • Scientific interest
  • Conclusion and clinical relevance
  • General presentation

Applications will be marked by the Abstract Committee and an average rating will be attributed to each proposal.
Applicants will be advised of the Abstract Committee’s final decision in July 2019.

7) Summaries not corresponding to the instructions will not be taken into account.

II. Abstract topics

The abstract topic is the general heading under which an abstract is submitted and reviewed. The accepted abstracts will be published under this heading in the Conference Program.

Topic 1: Novel technologies for ablation
Topic 2: Novel technologies for mapping and monitoring
Topic 3: Modeling
Topic 4: Smart non invasive devices
Topic 5: Other novel technologies
Topic 6: Physiopathology of AF
Topic 7: Pharmacological therapies

III. Abstract submission guidelines

The abstract submission will be open from April 10 to June 10, 2019.
Abstracts must be submitted online within these dates, according to the instructions presented just above (I. General information).

All submissions must be in English.

To submit an abstract, click on « Abstract submission » on the Congress website.
Create an account in your name before submitting: complete the submission form.
If you would like to correct your abstract, please log in with your email address and password.
If you have forgotten your password, contact the Scientific Secretariat Please mention the email address you have used when you have submitted your abstract.
You will receive an email of confirmation when you have submitted your abstract.
We invite you to keep all the email exchanges up to the Congress.

Scientific Secretariat
Phone: +33 (0)1 40 88 97 97

IV. Your abstract

1) Topic
Select a topic.

2) Abstract title

3) Abstract body
The abstract should content 4 paragraphs:
a. Introduction (Aim)
b. Material and Methods
c. Results
d. Conclusions

4) Author, co-author(s) and memberships
If you are several authors to draft the abstract, please add each name and membership in the order you prefer. You can include up to 7 co-authors and memberships.

V. Review

Review all your abstract before submitting it. If you would like to correct something, please click on "Modify the abstract".

VI. Confirmation

You will receive a confirmation of submission when your submission is over. You can modify your abstract up to the submission deadline, as long as your abstract is only saved (and not submitted).

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